Are you planning a trip to Malaysia this season? Well, then it is time to apply for a Malaysia visa from India.

Along the same lines, it is essential to ensure that you have an accurate photograph. Thus, keep a note of the photo dimensions, quality, and background.

One should note that the photos must be taken in colour print and not black and white. 

In this guide, we will drive you through all the Malaysia visa photo requirements so that you can avoid any delays in your visa application.

Be updated with the required Malaysia visa photo size depending on the type of visa you are planning to apply for. 

Let's look at some more points to enhance your understanding of clicking a Malaysia photo!

Malaysia Visa Photo Size

When you apply for a Malaysia visa, then apart from all the documents, your picture must have the correct dimensions.

  • The Malaysia visa photo size should be 35mm by 50mm high.
  • The candidate’s face must be in the centre of the photo and occupy approximately 30-35mm of the picture height.
  • Maintaining a 5mm distance from the top of your head to the picture’ top is advisable.

Malaysia Visa Photo Background and Quality 

When applying for a Malaysian visa, maintaining the Malaysian visa photo quality is essential to avoid any rejection from the authorities.

Here are a few things you should note about the Malaysia visa photo background and its quality:

  • The picture background should be plain and of a lighter shade.
  • There should be no patterns or shadows.
  • The photo must be a recent one(up to three months).
  • You should avoid borders and the picture should not be black and white
  • Do not increase the brightness to a large extent
  • Do not add the filter to your original face tone

Malaysia Visa Photo Attire Requirements

Here are a few points that applicants should note while getting a picture for a Malaysia visa.

  • The applicants should make sure to wear neat clothes when clicking pictures for the Malaysia visa application. 
  • As the background of the photo is light, you can wear subtle and light colours such as light blue 
  • Wearing a scarf is allowed if worn for religious purposes. 
  • Moreover, the scarf must leave your full face visible, from your forehead to the chin.
  • Also, one should avoid wearing hats or any kind of head coverings ( if not religious)

Facial Expression Requirement for the Photo of Malaysia Visa

Sometimes the reason for the rejection of your Malaysia photo could be a minute one.

Thus, it is advisable to pay attention to your facial expressions while getting the picture clicked. For the same, note the following points when getting a Malaysia visa photo.

  • The applicant's face must occupy around 70-80% of the photo. The face must be put at the centre and should not be tilted.
  • Having a neutral expression is preferable.
  • You should avoid smiling or frowning in the photograph.
  • The applicant must close their mouth, open eyes wide, and look straight at the camera while clicking the picture.
  • Your head must be square to the camera, maintaining a straight gaze. 
  • Your face and eyes must be visible in the photo.

Malaysia Visa Photo Requirements for Children 

If you are taking your infant or child to Malaysia, then here are some guidelines for the photo.

  • Infants or children must be awakened during the photoshoot.
  • The child must not wear any headgear when the picture is being clicked
  • Children are advised to maintain a neutral facial expression 
  • There should not be any toys or pacifiers with children in the photo
  • They should keep their mouths closed in the photo
  • In case the child cannot sit in the upright direction, you can lay them on a light-coloured surface and then get the photo clicked

Also Read: Malaysia Holiday Destinations

How to Avoid Malaysia Visa Photo Rejection?

Here are a few points to remember and minimize your Malaysia visa rejection chances-

  • The photo should match your current appearance 
  • The photo should not be cropped
  • You must avoid using filters or editing your photos that change your appearance. It will lead to the rejection of your Malaysian visa.
  • Ensure that the face has no shadows  
  • The photo should not be smudged, damaged, or creased in any way. 
  • If you come across a defect, re-click your photo

Book Your Malaysia Visa with Visa2Fly

So, after preparing everything for your visa, ensure that the Malaysia photo size guidelines are met. You have to be alert and fill in every detail carefully to successfully get your visa application accepted.

For more information or any other assistance for visa procurement, Visa2Fly is right here for your help!