Culture is the way of coping with the world by defining it”. When we engage in travel and follow our wanderlust, the best catalyst for learning while traveling. When you wander in Egypt, you do not experience 

Middle East culture or European culture, but rather a blend of both. Furthermore, the ancient river Nile, the Arabic literature, the visual arts, and the best monuments of all time is what Egypt encompasses. 

Egypt's tourism places are worthwhile in every aspect. Moreover, this country is one of those which imbibe an everlasting mystical charm and creates an unforgettable experience for you in every way.

So, you can visit places like the Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of Kings, Aswan, and a lot more. The list never stops. Also, if you are worried about finding the best time to visit Egypt, then do not be.

Egypt can be visited almost any time of the year. So, plan your holiday and book your tickets. Here is a guide to Mystical Places To Visit In Egypt. Also, do not miss to Book your Egypt visa online.

10 Mystical Places To Visit In Egypt In 2024

1. Pyramids of Giza

When we talk about Egypt, how can we miss the Great Pyramid of Giza after all? They reflect mystical wonder in their own magical ways. This brings us to the fact as to how these three pyramids have remained intact for ages.

Nevertheless, this is one of the most famous of the seven wonders of the world, and hence, a must-visit for you. The entry fee to visit the pyramids of Giza is 1700 INR and the timings are from 8 am to 5 pm. The pyramid is also incredibly well-preserved, and it is still one of the tallest man-made structures in the world. This makes it one of the best mystical places to visit in Egypt.

2. Karnak Temple

Karnak temple is one of the best Places To Visit In Egypt In 2024. The temple of Khons, the Great Temple of Amun, and the Festival Temple of Tuthmosis III are further located in the complex of Karnak temple. 

It is located in El-Karnak, Luxor. Moreover, Karnak Temple is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ancient Thebes . The opening time is 6 AM and the closing time is 5.30 PM.

3. Egypt Museum 

The Egyptian Museum, one of UNESCO's world heritage sites, is located in Cairo. It.spreads 13,600 sq. meters, with more than 100 exhibition halls. Can you imagine that? This museum is one of the most unique museums in the world.

From the architecture to the exhibition practices here, it is all commendable and unique. From the point of view of research history, this museum continues to play a highly significant role. Considered to be one of the most mystical places to visit in Egypt, rumours are it holds secrets for you to navigate the afterlife. 

4. Aswan

Rejuvenate with the peaceful Nile river beside, the breathtaking view of the desert, and the ultimate fun of colorful Nubian villages. Aswan is more than a place to explore, but rather a peaceful spot to introspect anything and everything.

The other places within Aswan include Elephantine Island, Aswan High Dam, Unfinished Obelisk, and a lot more. It is located 900 km away from Cairo. Aswan definitely rules the list of the best places to visit in Egypt in 2024.

5. Valley of Kings

Are you looking forward to a package of adventure and thrill? Well, not just this, but the Valley of Kings also adds to some horror for you.

This famous site has been known for having an excavation of 63 tombs. However, not all are open to tourists. It opens early in the morning at 6am and closes at 5 pm. However, in winter, it closes an hour early.

6. Islamic Cairo

The Islamic Cairo district is the capital of Egypt which constantly reminds us of the divine and esteemed heritage of Islam. Be it the art here or the culture as a whole, it is something that you would like for sure.

This impressive city is the historic core that encompasses world-famous mosques, tombs, hammams, mansions, caravanserais, fortifications, and fountains. Mosque of Ibn Tulun, Al-Azhar Mosque, Al-Hakim Mosque, Qalawun Complex, and some of them.

Furthermore, Khan el-Khalili is one of the oldest and largest markets in the world where you can shop when you visit Egypt. You can find beautiful souvenirs, antiques, spices, perfumes, jewelry, carpets, and clothes. Therefore, it is one of the most exciting tourist places in Egypt.

7. White Desert

Well, we all have grown up looking at those secluded muddy sandy places in various movies. But having to experience it right in front of our eyes? Well, this thought itself is something mystical! The white desert of Egypt is located quite far from the main cities.

It is particularly a national park which has been under protection since 2002. The sands and stones made up of white calcium or limestone deliver the beautiful white color in totality. You can also explore Crystal Mountain which is also called Crystal Rock. Perhaps, it is the most iconic rock formation in the national park. 

8. Abydos

Egypt is a land of history, culture, and adventure. When we ponder into the faith and worship arena of Egypt, then Abydos is considered the ideal ancient pilgrimage town. This architectural city is a magnificent site of various tombs.

It is also the main cult center of Osiris, the god of the underworld, who was believed to be buried here. From ancient poems and sculptures to beautifully decorated paintings, you can explore it all here. While planning your trip, you should definitely put Abydos in your bucket list of the places to visit in Egypt in 2024. 

9. Alexandria

Did you know that Alexandria is the fourth largest Arab country? Places like The Royal Jewelry Museum, The Cavafy Museum, the Citadel of Qaitbay, Pompey's Pillar, and more are just a few of the intriguing places you can visit here. It is one of the best places to visit in Egypt.

10. Rock Temples of Abu Simbel

The town of Abu Simbel is particularly known for its rock temples. However, the town does not have accommodation, so you can travel here through Aswan. One can choose a plane ride, a boat ride, or travel by bus.

The carved rock temples are beautifully designed and immerse you in their beauty. The entry of the temple opens at 5 am and closes at 6 pm. Therefore, you can plan your visit accordingly.

Explore the places to visit in Egypt with Visa2Fly

Visa2Fly is an online visa application platform that is dedicated to easing the lives of travelers. We aim to simplify the way you book your visa application.

From a transit, or tourist, to a business visa, we guide you from start to end to ensure maximum success of your visa application process and all the post work.

Moreover, apart from assisting with online Visa services, we also offer other travel services like travel insurance, SIM cards, and hotels.

It makes traveling convenient for you as you can access everything you need right here. Ready to explore the best places to visit in Egypt? Call us for end-to-end Egypt Visa assistance.